5R11. Linear and Nonlinear Rotordynamics: A Modern Treatment with Applications. - T Yamamoto and Y Ishida (Nagoya Univ, Nagoya, Japan). Wiley, New York. 2001. 325 pp. ISBN 0-471-18175-7. $94.95.
Reviewed by RG Kirk (Dept of Mech Eng, Rotor Dyn Lab, Virginia Tech, Randolph Hall - Room 119, Blacksburg VA 24061).
The authors have documented in this text their extensive works and accomplishments in this important field of engineering. The background of the authors original works are explained in the Foreword written by Professor Harold Nelson, a well known and respected researcher in the same field of study and well versed in the total history of rotating machinery analysis.
The first half of the text documents, in part, the important early works of Yamamoto concerning the treatment of gyroscopic moments, disk skew, free and forced vibration of continuous, and asymmetrical rotor systems. Their treatment of nonlinear vibrations adds the newer...