7R5. Smart Technologies - Edited by K Worden, WA Bullough, and J Haywood (Univ of Sheffield, UK). World Sci Publ, Singapore. 2003. 271 pp. ISBN 981-02-4776.1.
Reviewed by FM Casciati (Dept of Struct Mech, Univ Pavia, Via Ferrata 1, Pavia I27-100 Italy).
Smart Technologies is the title of a volume edited by Worden, Bullough, and Haywood, three researchers active at the Dynamic Research Group of the University of Sheffield, UK. The first editor signed, with the other two colleagues, the introductory Chapter 1, but he is also one of the two co-authors of Chapter 4 on Data Fusion. The second editor is also the author of Chapter 8 on Smart Fluid Machines. The book should be a good reference for a reader looking for a quick informative.
As detailed by the editors in Chapter 1, the book consists of nine short monographic contributions, in 271 pages, written by internationally recognized...