11R60. Macroscale Models of Flow Through Highly Heterogeneous Porous Media. Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media, Vol 16. - M Panfilov (Oil and Gas Res Inst, Russian Acad of Sci, Moscow, Russia). Kluwer Acad Publ, Dordrecht, Netherlands. 2000. 363 pp. ISBN 0-7923-6176-8. $148.00.

Reviewed by JA Cheney (Dept of Civil and Env Eng, UC, Davis CA 95616).

This book is a scholarly presentation of work done by the author at the Russian Academy of Science, in the Oil and Gas Research Institute of Moscow. The goals of the book are to show some new results in the field of modeling transport through highly heterogeneous media, based on the homogenization theory and to illustrate the homogenization method as a powerful tool to deduce new models in continuum mechanics.

The book is divided into five chapters including One Phase Darcy’s Flow in Double Porosity Media, Chemical or Heat Convection-Diffusion Transport Through Highly Heterogeneous Porous Media, Dispersion Tensor in Anisotropic Network Media, Stream Configuration Method, and Two-Phase Flow in Pseudo-Cavity Media. The porous medium consists of two types of rocks with contrasting permeabilities. Each chapter is preceded by a review of the previously published literature on the subject. Chapter 1 lists 163 references that address methods of averaging in previous work. Chapter 2 has 59 references, Chapter 3 refers to the Chapter 1 list, Chapter 4 has 60 references, and Chapter 5, 7 references. This scholarly review in itself makes the book valuable. It includes the modification of homogenization techniques, classification of flows, deduction of new effective models of flow, definition of the macro-scale parameters and function, description of dynamic or non-equilibrium effects, solution of the cell problems, reduction of the two-phase cell problems to the saturation independent ones, development of some effective tools to compute the effective functions in disordered highly heterogeneous media, computational analysis of the derived models, and applications to some problems of the oil industry.

This reviewer believes that Macroscale Models of Flow Through Highly Heterogeneous Porous Media should be of interest to civil, environmental, hydraulic, and petroleum engineers as well as scientists and engineers in reservoir characterization, chemical engineering, and geophysics. It deserves to be shelved in technical libraries.