The constitutive behavior of bovine scleral and corneal tissues is measured in tension and compression, at quasi-static and moderate strain rates. Experiments are conducted at strain rates up to about 50 strain per second by a pneumatic testing system developed to overcome noise and measurement difficulties associated with the time dependent test of low impedance materials. Results for the tissues at room and the natural bovine body temperatures are similar and indicate that ocular tissue exhibits nonlinear stiffening for increasing strain rates, a phenomena termed rate hardening. For example, at a tensile strain rate of 29/s, corneal tissue is found to develop 10 times the stress that it does quasi-statically at the same strain. Thus, conventional constitutive models will grossly underpredict stresses occurring in the corneo-scleral shell due to moderate dynamic events. This has implication to the accuracy of ocular injury models, the study of the stress field in the corneo-scleral shell for glaucoma research and tonometry measurements. The measured data at various strain rates is represented using the general framework of a constitutive model that has been used to represent biological tissue mechanical data. Here it is extended to represent the measured data of the ocular tissues over the range of tested strain rates. Its form allows for straightforward incorporation in various numerical codes. The experimental and analytical methods developed here are felt to be applicable to the test of human ocular tissue.
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June 2012
Research Papers
Constitutive Behavior of Ocular Tissues Over a Range of Strain Rates
Wonsuk Kim,
Wonsuk Kim
Research Scientist
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan-Dearborn
, Dearborn, MI 48128
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Alan Argento,
Alan Argento
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan-Dearborn
, Dearborn, MI 48128
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Frank W. Rozsa,
Frank W. Rozsa
Research Investigator
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan
, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
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Kaitlyn Mallett
Kaitlyn Mallett
Research Assistant
Department of Mechanical Engineering
, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI 48128
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Wonsuk Kim
Research Scientist
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan-Dearborn
, Dearborn, MI 48128e-mail:
Alan Argento
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan-Dearborn
, Dearborn, MI 48128e-mail:
Frank W. Rozsa
Research Investigator
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan
, Ann Arbor, MI 48105e-mail:
Kaitlyn Mallett
Research Assistant
Department of Mechanical Engineering
, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Dearborn, MI 48128e-mail:
J Biomech Eng. Jun 2012, 134(6): 061002 (8 pages)
Published Online: June 8, 2012
Article history
September 20, 2011
April 28, 2012
May 18, 2012
June 8, 2012
June 8, 2012
Kim, W., Argento, A., Rozsa, F. W., and Mallett, K. (June 8, 2012). "Constitutive Behavior of Ocular Tissues Over a Range of Strain Rates." ASME. J Biomech Eng. June 2012; 134(6): 061002.
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