Full-scale experiments were conducted in order to investigate flow pattern transitions in horizontal pipelines carrying oil-water mixtures. In the experiments, a 16-in. pipeline conveying light crude oil was used. The line was connected to a freshwater network to control the input water volume fraction. A gate valve installed at the pipeline inlet controlled the oil flow rate. The transition from stratified flow to dispersed flow was determined by measuring the transversal water fraction profile. For this purpose, a special device, the multi-point sampling probe, was designed and installed into the pipeline. The probe has movable sampling tubes that allow taking samples simultaneously at six points along the diameter of the pipe. The rate of withdrawal of each sample was adjusted by a needle valve according to the mixture velocity in order to minimize the effect of the probe on the measured water fraction profile. The samples were analyzed for water content in a laboratory using a standard method for determining the water fraction in crude oils. Based on the data obtained, a flow pattern map was constructed. The experimental stratified/nonstratified transition boundary was compared with two theoretical criteria obtained in the linear stability analysis of stratified two-phase liquid-liquid flow. The results of this study can be useful for the design and operation of pipelines transporting crude oil, as well as for the validation of multifield multidimensional models of two-phase flow. [S0195-0738(00)00404-0]
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December 2000
Technical Papers
Flow Pattern Transitions in Horizontal Pipelines Carrying Oil-Water Mixtures: Full-Scale Experiments
Yuri V. Fairuzov, Assoc. Mem. ASME,
Yuri V. Fairuzov, Assoc. Mem. ASME
Institute of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City 04510, Mexico
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Pedro Arenas-Medina,
Pedro Arenas-Medina
Institute of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City 04510, Mexico
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Jorge Verdejo-Fierro,
Jorge Verdejo-Fierro
Division of Production Systems, PEMEX, Exploration & Production, Villahermosa, Tabasco 86030, Mexico
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Ruben Gonzalez-Islas
Ruben Gonzalez-Islas
Division of Production Systems, PEMEX, Exploration & Production, Villahermosa, Tabasco 86030, Mexico
Search for other works by this author on:
Yuri V. Fairuzov, Assoc. Mem. ASME
Institute of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City 04510, Mexico
Pedro Arenas-Medina
Institute of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City 04510, Mexico
Jorge Verdejo-Fierro
Division of Production Systems, PEMEX, Exploration & Production, Villahermosa, Tabasco 86030, Mexico
Ruben Gonzalez-Islas
Division of Production Systems, PEMEX, Exploration & Production, Villahermosa, Tabasco 86030, Mexico
Contributed by the Petroleum Division and presented at the ETCE/OMAE2000, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 14–17, 2000, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Manuscript received by the Petroleum Division, November 5, 1999; revised manuscript received August 14, 2000. Technical Editor: J. P. Brill.
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Dec 2000, 122(4): 169-176 (8 pages)
Published Online: August 14, 2000
Article history
November 5, 1999
August 14, 2000
Fairuzov, Y. V., Arenas-Medina, P., Verdejo-Fierro , J., and Gonzalez-Islas, R. (August 14, 2000). "Flow Pattern Transitions in Horizontal Pipelines Carrying Oil-Water Mixtures: Full-Scale Experiments ." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. December 2000; 122(4): 169–176. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.1318204
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