Detached-eddy simulation (DES) is used to study the massively separated flow over a rounded-corner square. The configuration is an idealization of the flow around a forebody cross section rotating at high angle of attack. Simulations are performed at sub- and supercritical Reynolds numbers, between which experimental measurements show a reversal of the side force. DES predictions are evaluated using experimental measurements and contrasted with unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) results. The computations are also subjected to a moderate grid refinement, a doubling of the spanwise period, an enlargement of the domain in the other directions, and the removal of any explicit turbulence model. The sub- and supercritical flows are computed at Reynolds numbers of and , respectively, and with the freestream at angle of attack. Boundary-layer separation characteristics (laminar or turbulent) are established via the initial and boundary conditions of the eddy viscosity. Following boundary layer detachment, a chaotic and three-dimensional wake rapidly develops. For the supercritical flow, the pressure distribution is close to the measured values and both the streamwise and side forces are in adequate agreement with measurements. For the subcritical flow, DES side-force predictions do not follow the experimental measurements far enough to achieve reversal.
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September 2005
Technical Papers
Detached-Eddy Simulation of the Separated Flow Over a Rounded-Corner Square
Kyle D. Squires,
Kyle D. Squires
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department,
Arizona State University
, Tempe, AZ 85287-6106
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James R. Forsythe,
James R. Forsythe
Cobalt Solutions, LLC
, 4636 New Carlisle Pike, Springfield, OH 45504
Search for other works by this author on:
Philippe R. Spalart
Philippe R. Spalart
Boeing Commercial Airplanes
, Seattle, WA 98124-2207
Search for other works by this author on:
Kyle D. Squires
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department,
Arizona State University
, Tempe, AZ 85287-6106
James R. Forsythe
Cobalt Solutions, LLC
, 4636 New Carlisle Pike, Springfield, OH 45504
Philippe R. Spalart
Boeing Commercial Airplanes
, Seattle, WA 98124-2207J. Fluids Eng. Sep 2005, 127(5): 959-966 (8 pages)
Published Online: September 1, 2005
Squires, K. D., Forsythe, J. R., and Spalart, P. R. (September 1, 2005). "Detached-Eddy Simulation of the Separated Flow Over a Rounded-Corner Square." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. September 2005; 127(5): 959–966.
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