The first part of the paper gives a short description of the gasifier, type GS-34 gasifier, with diagrams showing the main operational factors versus gas pressure and stroke length. The present state of its application to ships, stationary plants, and locomotives is reviewed briefly. Details are given when running with a reduced number of gasifiers in service in a stationary power plant of 6000 kw (Cherbourg). In the second part the trend of future development is examined, especially with regard to an increase in power output per gasifier. The possibilities and limits of supercharging and after-burning are studied, as well as twinning of the gas-generators and increase of their size. The general relationship for similar engines but of different sizes is given. A gasifier with a 20-in. diesel bore is studied. Such an engine, supercharged, twinned, and with after-burning would produce 8000 to 10,000 hp on the turbine shaft per unit.