The ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering (JFE) and the ASME Fluids Engineering Division (FED) present a Special Issue of papers that were presented at the 2022 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM). The FED conference organizers were Professor Philipp Epple (chair) and Professor Kamran Siddiqui (co-chair), whose efforts helped the community assemble in the first in-person FED meeting since the pandemic. The conference was successful due to the hard work and dedication of the conference chairs, technical committee chairs, symposia organizers and other FED volunteers. The 2022 FEDSM was held August 3–5, 2022 at the Intercontinental Toronto Center, Toronto, ON, Canada and included three plenary speakers plus technical presentations and 145 attendees.
The Special Issue is pleased to include the review paper by Professor Efstathios (Stathis) Michaelides (Texas Christian University) and Professor Zhigang Feng (University of Texas at San Antonio) titled “Drag Coefficients of Non-spherical and Irregularly-Shaped Particles.” The other paper topics include cardiovascular flow in the aorta, boundary layer response to plasma actuators, thermally stratified turbulent boundary layer flows, flapping foils, and unsteady propulsion.
The Special Issue also presents the winners of the Flow Visualization competition, organized by Prof. Philipp Epple. The competition is an initiative that begin in 2017 and was expanded to include both still images and videos. The 2022 FEDSM winners in the video category were:
First Place: “Swirl Effects on Gas-Liquid Upward Vertical Pipe Flow,” M. M. Garcia and L. M. Portela (Delft University of Technology).
Second Place: “Interactions Between Shock Waves and Liquid Droplet Clusters: Interfacial Physics,” M. Tripathi and P. Khare (University of Cincinnati).
Third Place: “Visualizing Thermals in the Heated Turbulent Boundary Layer,” K. Dennis and K. Siddiqui (University of Western Ontario).
Honorable Mention: P. Epple, D. Kramer, and M. Steppert (Coburg University of Applied Sciences).
Honorable Mention: Y. Pan and H. Dong (University of Virginia).
In closing, my sincerest gratitude is extended to JFE Associate Editors, Professor Costanza Aricò, Professor Arindam Banerjee, Professor Luigi P. M. Colombo, Professor Philipp Epple, Professor Pierre Sullivan, and Professor Qianhong Wu, who shared in the responsibilities. I would also like to thank the JFE Editorial Assistant, Ms. Colette Montague, who helped ensure timely processing, and the support of the ASME staff, especially Ms. Beth Darchi, Ms. Erica Hodge, Ms. Tamiko Fung, and Ms. Jenna Seyer. Finally, thank you to our colleagues who served as reviewers and of course the authors.