This paper describes an experimental measurement of the effects of uneven blade spacing on the acoustic and aero-thermodynamic characteristics of high-speed, high-pressure-ratio fan rotors at two selected spacing configurations. A test rig, consisting of inlet guide vanes and transonic rotor blades, was employed to explore the redistribution of harmonic sound energy into a series of multiple tones of lower sound pressure level. The measured data indicated that a ten percent modulated rotor exhibited a six to eight decibel decrease in the sound pressure level as compared with the original first blade passage frequency harmonic. Disadvantages in aerodynamic performance resulting from spacing modulation were not so unfavorable for the ten percent modulated blades. However, with five percent modulated blades, serious deterioration in aerodynamic performance was observed particularly near the blade tip section, which produced an unfavourable acoustic signature. A calculation method, assuming a pulse event for each blade sound pressure, provided agreeable results with the measured data.

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