The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the resulting individual State Implementation Plans will require many natural gas pipeline operators to install NOx reduction equipment on existing compressor station engines. A program was undertaken to develop lower cost NOx control options for these engines as compared to traditional techniques. The initial work, described in this paper, focused on the development of a low-cost retrofit package for Cooper-Bessemer GMV and GMV-TF pump scavenged integral compressor engines. The retrofit concept relied on highly dilute combustion to achieve low engine-out NOx emission rates. A significant portion of the effort concentrated on low-cost methods for delivering the required air charge and ignition enhancements to achieve reliable and robust combustion. The prototype retrofit kit has been installed on a GMV-6 in gas compressor service. Performance results showed a 70 percent reduction in NOx emission rates without a corresponding increase in HC emission rates.

American Gas Association, 1989, “Survey of Natural Gas Compressor Prime Movers,” AGA-XF0484.
Gas Research Institute, 1994, Gas Transmission, Gas Flow, Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan.
Martin, N. L., and Thring, R. H., 1989, “Computer Database of Emissions Data for Stationary Reciprocating Natural Gas Engines and Gas Turbines in Use by the Gas Pipeline Transmission Industry,” GRI-89/0041.
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1988, Emissions Factors, AP–42.
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