Turbulent mixing and autoignition of -rich fuels at relevant reheat combustor operating conditions are investigated in the present numerical study. The flow configuration under consideration is a fuel jet perpendicularly injected into a crossflow of hot flue gas ( bar). Based on the results of the experimental study for the same flow configuration and operating conditions, two different fuel blends are chosen for the numerical simulations. The first fuel blend is a /natural gas/ mixture at which no autoignition events were observed in the experiments. The second fuel blend is a / mixture at which autoignition in the mixing section occurred. First, the non-reacting flow simulations are performed for the /natural gas/ mixture in order to compare the accuracy of different turbulence modeling methods. Here, the steady-state Reynolds-averaged Navier- Stokes (RANS) as well as the unsteady scale-adaptive simulation (SAS) turbulence modeling methods are applied. The velocity fields obtained in both simulations are directly validated against experimental data. The SAS method shows better agreement with the experimental results. In the second part of the present work, the autoignition of the / mixture is numerically studied using the 9-species 21-steps reaction mechanism of O’Conaire et al. (Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 36(11), 2004). As in the reference experiments, autoignition can be observed in the simulations. Influences of the turbulence modeling as well as of the hot flue gas temperature are investigated. The onset and the propagation of the ignition kernels are studied based on the SAS modeling results. The obtained numerical results are discussed and compared with data from experimental autoignition studies.
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e-mail: elizaveta.ivanova@dlr.de
e-mail: berthold.noll@dlr.de
e-mail: peter.griebel@dlr.de
e-mail: manfred.aigner@dlr.de
e-mail: khawar.syed@power.alstom.com
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April 2012
Research Papers
Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Mixing and Autoignition of Hydrogen Fuel at Reheat Combustor Operating Conditions
Elizaveta M. Ivanova,
e-mail: elizaveta.ivanova@dlr.de
Elizaveta M. Ivanova
Research Scientist
Institute of Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Centre (DLR)
, Stuttgart, 70569 Germany
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Berthold E. Noll,
e-mail: berthold.noll@dlr.de
Berthold E. Noll
Head of Combustion Simulation Department
Institute of Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Centre (DLR)
, Stuttgart, 70569 Germany
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Peter Griebel,
e-mail: peter.griebel@dlr.de
Peter Griebel
Head of Working Group Versuchstechnik HBK-S
Institute of Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Centre (DLR)
, Stuttgart, 70569 Germany
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Manfred Aigner,
e-mail: manfred.aigner@dlr.de
Manfred Aigner
Professor, Director of Institute
Institute of Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Centre (DLR)
, Stuttgart, 70569 Germany
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Khawar Syed
Khawar Syed
Group Manager Combustor Technology
e-mail: khawar.syed@power.alstom.com
, Brown Boveri Strasse 7, 5400 Baden, Switzerland
Search for other works by this author on:
Elizaveta M. Ivanova
Research Scientist
Institute of Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Centre (DLR)
, Stuttgart, 70569 Germany
e-mail: elizaveta.ivanova@dlr.de
Berthold E. Noll
Head of Combustion Simulation Department
Institute of Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Centre (DLR)
, Stuttgart, 70569 Germany
e-mail: berthold.noll@dlr.de
Peter Griebel
Head of Working Group Versuchstechnik HBK-S
Institute of Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Centre (DLR)
, Stuttgart, 70569 Germany
e-mail: peter.griebel@dlr.de
Manfred Aigner
Professor, Director of Institute
Institute of Combustion Technology, German Aerospace Centre (DLR)
, Stuttgart, 70569 Germany
e-mail: manfred.aigner@dlr.de
Khawar Syed
Group Manager Combustor Technology
, Brown Boveri Strasse 7, 5400 Baden, Switzerland
e-mail: khawar.syed@power.alstom.com
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Apr 2012, 134(4): 041504 (7 pages)
Published Online: January 30, 2012
Article history
May 13, 2011
May 19, 2011
January 30, 2012
January 30, 2012
Ivanova, E. M., Noll, B. E., Griebel, P., Aigner, M., and Syed, K. (January 30, 2012). "Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Mixing and Autoignition of Hydrogen Fuel at Reheat Combustor Operating Conditions." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. April 2012; 134(4): 041504. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4004725
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