The increasingly stringent NOx emission regulations of the International Marine Organization (IMO) have demanded new design concepts and architectures for diesel engines. The Miller cycle, which reduces the in-cylinder combustion temperature by reducing the effective compression ratio, is the principal measure used for reducing NOx specific emissions; however, this is at the cost of volumetric efficiency and engine power. Therefore, it is essential to combine the Miller cycle with a highly boosted turbocharging system, two-stage turbocharging for example, to recover the power. While much work has been done in the development of Miller-cycle regulatable two stage turbocharging system for marine diesel engines, there are nonetheless few, if any, thorough discussions on system optimization and performance comparison. This study presents a theoretical optimization design process for a Miller-cycle regulatable, two-stage turbocharging system for marine diesel engines. First, the different scenarios and regulation methods of two-stage turbocharging systems are compared according to the system efficiency and equivalent turbine flow characteristics. Then, a multizone combustion model based on a one-dimensional cycle simulation model is established and used for the optimization of valve timings according to the IMO NOx emission limits and fuel efficiencies. The high- and low-stage turbochargers are selected by an iterative matching method. Then, the control strategies for the boost air and high-stage turbine bypass valves are also studied. As an example, a Miller-cycle regulatable, two-stage turbocharging system is designed for a highly boosted high-speed marine diesel engine. The results show that NOx emissions can be reduced by 30% and brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) can also be improved by a moderate Miller cycle combined with regulatable two-stage turbocharging.
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February 2014
Miller-Cycle Regulatable, Two-Stage Turbocharging System Design for Marine Diesel Engines
Qifu Wang
Qifu Wang
Machinery and Engineering of
Ministry of Education,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Shanghai Jiaotong University,
Key Laboratory for Power
Machinery and Engineering of
Ministry of Education,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Shanghai Jiaotong University,
Shanghai 200240
, China
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Yi Cui
Zhilong Hu
Kangyao Deng
Qifu Wang
Machinery and Engineering of
Ministry of Education,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Shanghai Jiaotong University,
Key Laboratory for Power
Machinery and Engineering of
Ministry of Education,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Shanghai Jiaotong University,
Shanghai 200240
, China
Contributed by the Marine Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received February 14, 2013; final manuscript received September 14, 2013; published online November 1, 2013. Assoc. Editor: Joost J. Brasz.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Feb 2014, 136(2): 022201 (8 pages)
Published Online: November 1, 2013
Article history
February 14, 2013
Revision Received:
September 14, 2013
Cui, Y., Hu, Z., Deng, K., and Wang, Q. (November 1, 2013). "Miller-Cycle Regulatable, Two-Stage Turbocharging System Design for Marine Diesel Engines." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. February 2014; 136(2): 022201.
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