Static and dynamic performance test results are provided for a three-lobe bearing evaluated over the following range of radial static-load orientations (taken from the leading edge of the loaded pad): 0 deg, 20 deg, 30 deg, 40 deg, 60 deg, 80 deg, 90 deg, and 100 deg. Static and dynamic test results are evaluated to determine the sensitivity of the bearing to changes in the static load direction. The bearing has the following specifications: 100 deg arc angle, 0.52 preload, 70% offset, 101.74 mm minimum bore diameter, 0.116 mm radial pad clearance, and 76.3 mm axial length. The bearing is tested at 6750 rpm, 9000 rpm, 10,800 rpm, and 13,200 rpm, and at five different unit loads. Static measurements include hot and cold clearances, static eccentricities, and pad metal temperatures. Dynamic results include stiffness coefficients, damping coefficients, and whirl-frequency ratios (WFRs). Dynamic tests show that the three-lobe bearing is very sensitive to load orientation at low speeds and high loads. Kxx is highest for the 80 deg, 90 deg, and 100 deg load orientations. Kyy is highest for the 20 deg, 30 deg, and 40 deg load orientations. Kxy is highest for the 80 deg, 90 deg, and 100 deg load orientations. The magnitude of Kyx is highest for the 0 deg and 20 deg load orientations. Cxx is largest for the 80 deg, 90 deg, and 100 deg load orientations, and Cyy is largest for the 0 deg, 20 deg, 30 deg, and 40 deg load orientations. In terms of WFRs, it is generally dynamically advantageous to orient the static load vector for this bearing toward the leading edge of the pad. WFRs at 6750 rpm with loads of 1149 kPa, 1723 kPa, and 2298 kPa are equal to zero when the static load vector is pointed toward the leading edge of the pad and between 0.25 and 0.5 when the static load vector is pointed toward the trailing edge of the pad. The bearing is not sensitive to load orientation at high speeds and light loads. At 13,200 rpm, measured WFRs are between 0.2 and 0.6 at all loads and for all load orientations. Measured WFRs at the no-load condition are between 0.3 and 0.6 at all speeds. Static data showed that the 30 deg and 90 deg load orientations yielded slightly higher measured maximum pad-metal-temperature increases at each speed relative to the other load orientations. At the highest static-load magnitudes, the pad metal temperatures are not as dependent on load orientation. The 20 deg, 30 deg, and 40 deg load orientations had the smallest measured eccentricity ratio, and thus the highest static stiffness.
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April 2015
An Experimental Study of the Load-Orientation Sensitivity of Three-Lobe Bearings
Rasish Khatri,
Rasish Khatri
Development Engineer,
Calnetix Technologies
,Cerritos, CA 90703
Search for other works by this author on:
Dara W. Childs
Dara W. Childs
Leland T. Jordan Professor of Mechanical Engineering,
Turbomachinery Laboratory
,College Station, TX 77843
Search for other works by this author on:
Rasish Khatri
Development Engineer,
Calnetix Technologies
,Cerritos, CA 90703
Dara W. Childs
Leland T. Jordan Professor of Mechanical Engineering,
Turbomachinery Laboratory
,College Station, TX 77843
Contributed by the Structures and Dynamics Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received July 10, 2014; final manuscript received August 15, 2014; published online November 11, 2014. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Apr 2015, 137(4): 042503 (9 pages)
Published Online: April 1, 2015
Article history
July 10, 2014
Revision Received:
August 15, 2014
November 11, 2014
Khatri, R., and Childs, D. W. (April 1, 2015). "An Experimental Study of the Load-Orientation Sensitivity of Three-Lobe Bearings." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. April 2015; 137(4): 042503.
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