This paper deals with the dynamics of a cyclic system, representative of a bladed disk subjected to dry friction forces, and exhibits structural mistuning. The nonlinear complex modes are computed by solving the eigenproblem associated to the free response of the whole structure and are then used to better understand the forced response to a traveling wave excitation. Similarly to the underlying linear system, the tuned model possesses pairs of modes that can be linearly combined to form traveling waves, unlike those of the mistuned structure. However, due to the nonlinearity, the modal properties are not constant but vary with the vibration amplitude in both cases. A qualitative analysis is also performed to assess the impact of the mistuning magnitude on the response and suggests that further statistical investigations could be of great interest for the design of bladed-disks, in terms of vibration mitigation and robustness.
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July 2016
Nonlinear Modal Analysis of Mistuned Periodic Structures Subjected to Dry Friction
C. Joannin,
C. Joannin
Laboratoire de Tribologie et
Dynamique des Systèmes,
École Centrale de Lyon,
UMR-CNRS 5513,
36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
Ecully Cedex 69134, France;
Dynamique des Systèmes,
École Centrale de Lyon,
UMR-CNRS 5513,
36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
Ecully Cedex 69134, France;
Search for other works by this author on:
B. Chouvion,
B. Chouvion
Laboratoire de Tribologie et
Dynamique des Systèmes,
École Centrale de Lyon,
UMR-CNRS 5513,
36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
Ecully Cedex 69134, France
Dynamique des Systèmes,
École Centrale de Lyon,
UMR-CNRS 5513,
36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
Ecully Cedex 69134, France
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F. Thouverez,
F. Thouverez
Laboratoire de Tribologie et
Dynamique des Systèmes,
École Centrale de Lyon,
UMR-CNRS 5513,
36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
Ecully Cedex 69134, France
Dynamique des Systèmes,
École Centrale de Lyon,
UMR-CNRS 5513,
36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
Ecully Cedex 69134, France
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M. Mbaye,
M. Mbaye
Turbomeca—Safran Group,
Bordes Cedex 64511, France
Bordes Cedex 64511, France
Search for other works by this author on:
J.-P. Ousty
J.-P. Ousty
Turbomeca—Safran Group,
Bordes Cedex 64511, France
Bordes Cedex 64511, France
Search for other works by this author on:
C. Joannin
Laboratoire de Tribologie et
Dynamique des Systèmes,
École Centrale de Lyon,
UMR-CNRS 5513,
36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
Ecully Cedex 69134, France;
Dynamique des Systèmes,
École Centrale de Lyon,
UMR-CNRS 5513,
36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
Ecully Cedex 69134, France;
B. Chouvion
Laboratoire de Tribologie et
Dynamique des Systèmes,
École Centrale de Lyon,
UMR-CNRS 5513,
36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
Ecully Cedex 69134, France
Dynamique des Systèmes,
École Centrale de Lyon,
UMR-CNRS 5513,
36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
Ecully Cedex 69134, France
F. Thouverez
Laboratoire de Tribologie et
Dynamique des Systèmes,
École Centrale de Lyon,
UMR-CNRS 5513,
36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
Ecully Cedex 69134, France
Dynamique des Systèmes,
École Centrale de Lyon,
UMR-CNRS 5513,
36 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
Ecully Cedex 69134, France
M. Mbaye
Turbomeca—Safran Group,
Bordes Cedex 64511, France
Bordes Cedex 64511, France
J.-P. Ousty
Turbomeca—Safran Group,
Bordes Cedex 64511, France
Bordes Cedex 64511, France
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Structures and Dynamics Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received September 30, 2015; final manuscript received October 13, 2015; published online December 4, 2015. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Jul 2016, 138(7): 072504 (12 pages)
Published Online: December 4, 2015
Article history
September 30, 2015
October 13, 2015
Joannin, C., Chouvion, B., Thouverez, F., Mbaye, M., and Ousty, J. (December 4, 2015). "Nonlinear Modal Analysis of Mistuned Periodic Structures Subjected to Dry Friction." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. July 2016; 138(7): 072504.
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