The heat transfer and the pressure drop characteristics of laminar flow of viscous oil through rectangular and square ducts with internal transverse rib turbulators on two opposite surfaces of the ducts and fitted with twisted tapes have been studied experimentally. The tapes have been full length, short length, and regularly spaced types. The transverse ribs in combination with full-length twisted tapes have been found to perform better than either ribs or twisted tapes acting alone. The heat transfer and the pressure drop measurements have been taken in separate test sections. Heat transfer tests were carried out in electrically heated stainless steel ducts incorporating uniform wall heat flux boundary conditions. Pressure drop tests were carried out in acrylic ducts. The flow was periodically fully developed in the regularly spaced twisted-tape elements case and decaying swirl flow in the short-length twisted tapes case. The flow characteristics are governed by twist ratio, space ratio, and length of twisted tape, Reynolds number, Prandtl number, rod-to-tube diameter ratio, duct aspect ratio, rib height, and rib spacing. Correlations developed for friction factor and Nusselt number have predicted the experimental data satisfactorily. The performance of the geometry under investigation has been evaluated. It has been found that on the basis of both constant pumping power and constant heat duty, the regularly spaced twisted-tape elements in specific cases perform marginally better than their full-length counterparts. However, the short-length twisted-tape performance is worse than the full-length twisted tapes. Therefore, full-length twisted tapes and regularly spaced twisted-tape elements in combination with transverse ribs are recommended for laminar flows. However, the short-length twisted tapes are not recommended.
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Research Papers
Thermohydraulics of Laminar Flow Through Rectangular and Square Ducts With Transverse Ribs and Twisted Tapes
Debashis Pramanik,
Debashis Pramanik
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Bengal Engineering and Science University
, Shibpur Howrah 711 103, West Bengal, India
Search for other works by this author on:
Sujoy K. Saha
Sujoy K. Saha
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Bengal Engineering and Science University
, Shibpur Howrah 711 103, West Bengal, India
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Debashis Pramanik
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Bengal Engineering and Science University
, Shibpur Howrah 711 103, West Bengal, Indiae-mail:
Sujoy K. Saha
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Bengal Engineering and Science University
, Shibpur Howrah 711 103, West Bengal, Indiae-mail:
J. Heat Transfer. Oct 2006, 128(10): 1070-1080 (11 pages)
Published Online: April 29, 2006
Article history
November 3, 2005
April 29, 2006
Pramanik, D., and Saha, S. K. (April 29, 2006). "Thermohydraulics of Laminar Flow Through Rectangular and Square Ducts With Transverse Ribs and Twisted Tapes." ASME. J. Heat Transfer. October 2006; 128(10): 1070–1080.
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