Research in automating the process level of machining operations has been conducted, in both academia and industry, over the past few decades. This work is motivated by a strong belief that research in this area will provide increased productivity, improved part quality, reduced costs, and relaxed machine design constraints. The basis for this belief is two-fold. First, machining process automation can be applied to both large batch production environments and small batch jobs. Second, process automation can autonomously tune machine parameters (feed, speed, depth of cut, etc.) on-line and off-line to substantially increase the machine tool’s performance in terms of part tolerances and surface finish, operation cycle time, etc. Process automation holds the promise of bridging the gap between product design and process planning, while reaching beyond the capability of a human operator. The success of manufacturing process automation hinges primarily on the effectiveness of the process monitoring and control systems. This paper discusses the evolution of machining process monitoring and control technologies and conducts an in-depth review of the state-of-the-art of these technologies over the past decade. The research in each area is highlighted with experimental and simulation examples. Open architecture software platforms that provide the means to implement process monitoring and control systems are also reviewed. The impact, industrial realization, and future trends of machining process monitoring and control technologies are also discussed.
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Technical Papers
Machining Process Monitoring and Control: The State-of-the-Art
Steven Y. Liang,
Steven Y. Liang
Georgia Institute of Technology, George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Atlanta, GA 30332-0405
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Rogelio L. Hecker,
Rogelio L. Hecker
Facultad the Ingenieria, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, General Pico, LP, 6360, Argentina
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Robert G. Landers
Robert G. Landers
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri–Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409-0050
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Steven Y. Liang
Georgia Institute of Technology, George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Atlanta, GA 30332-0405
Rogelio L. Hecker
Facultad the Ingenieria, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, General Pico, LP, 6360, Argentina
Robert G. Landers
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri–Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409-0050
Contributed by the Manufacturing Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Manuscript received September 2002; Revised December 2003. Associate Editor: K. Danai.
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. May 2004, 126(2): 297-310 (14 pages)
Published Online: July 8, 2004
Article history
September 1, 2002
December 1, 2003
July 8, 2004
Liang, S. Y., Hecker, R. L., and Landers, R. G. (July 8, 2004). "Machining Process Monitoring and Control: The State-of-the-Art ." ASME. J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. May 2004; 126(2): 297–310.
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