When producing racks by cold rotary forging, the top punch and the rack teeth definitely intervene and thus the top punch has to be amended, which makes the technical designing processes difficult and complex (Han et al., 2016, “Cold Orbital Forging of Gear Rack,” Int. J. Mech. Sci., 117(10), pp. 227–242). In this study, a novel cold rotary forging method of producing racks is put forward to avoid the interventions between the top punch and the racks. Thus, the top punch need not be amended and the technical designing processes correspondingly become simple. In light of this presented method, a novel idea for cold rotary forging of producing multiple racks using one set of punch is motivated. The concrete researches are as follows: First, the mathematical models are developed and three kinds of key forging conditions in cold rotary forging of racks are calculated to avoid the interventions between the top punch and the racks. The first one is the condition that the top punch and the rack teeth do not intervene. The second one is the condition that the top punch and cylindrical surfaces of racks do not intervene. The third one is the condition that the top punch can be successfully constructed. On the basis of these three kinds of key forging conditions, the workpiece is optimized and the cold rotary forging processes of racks with constant and variable transmission ratio are examined using finite element (FE) simulations. The experimental researches are also conducted. The results show that for both racks with constant and variable transmission ratio, the obtained key forging conditions are effective and the presented cold rotary forging principles of producing multiple racks using one set of punch are feasible.
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August 2018
A Novel Cold Rotary Forging Method of Producing Multiple Racks Using One Set of Punch
Xinghui Han,
Xinghui Han
Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology
for Automotive Components,
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for
Automotive Components Technology,
Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China
e-mail: hanxinghuihlp@126.com
for Automotive Components,
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for
Automotive Components Technology,
Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China
e-mail: hanxinghuihlp@126.com
Search for other works by this author on:
Yaxiong Hu,
Yaxiong Hu
Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology
for Automotive Components,
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for
Automotive Components Technology,
Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China
for Automotive Components,
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for
Automotive Components Technology,
Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Lin Hua
Lin Hua
Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology
for Automotive Components,
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for
Automotive Components Technology,
Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China
e-mail: hualin@whut.edu.cn
for Automotive Components,
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for
Automotive Components Technology,
Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China
e-mail: hualin@whut.edu.cn
Search for other works by this author on:
Xinghui Han
Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology
for Automotive Components,
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for
Automotive Components Technology,
Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China
e-mail: hanxinghuihlp@126.com
for Automotive Components,
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for
Automotive Components Technology,
Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China
e-mail: hanxinghuihlp@126.com
Yaxiong Hu
Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology
for Automotive Components,
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for
Automotive Components Technology,
Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China
for Automotive Components,
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for
Automotive Components Technology,
Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China
Lin Hua
Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology
for Automotive Components,
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for
Automotive Components Technology,
Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China
e-mail: hualin@whut.edu.cn
for Automotive Components,
Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for
Automotive Components Technology,
Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China
e-mail: hualin@whut.edu.cn
1Corresponding author.
Manuscript received June 29, 2017; final manuscript received January 7, 2018; published online June 1, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Gracious Ngaile.
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. Aug 2018, 140(8): 081006 (13 pages)
Published Online: June 1, 2018
Article history
June 29, 2017
January 7, 2018
Han, X., Hu, Y., and Hua, L. (June 1, 2018). "A Novel Cold Rotary Forging Method of Producing Multiple Racks Using One Set of Punch." ASME. J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. August 2018; 140(8): 081006. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4039112
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