Mises type of creep equations have been used widely to study creep and relaxation phenomena. In a study by Murakami and Yamada [1] inclusion of J3, the third invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor, in the Mises type creep theories helped explain the deviations between experimental and theoretical results of a thick-walled cylinder creeping under an internal pressure. Similarly, the present study investigates the effects of including J3 in the creep constitutive equations on creep and relaxation in a circular plate with a central hole. The results show that inclusion of J3 in the creep equations tends to predict higher values of Σθ (tangential stress) in the creep problem and lower values of Σθ and Σr in the relaxation problem. Lower value of Σr in the relaxation problem implies a lower contact force at the interface of a press-fitted joint.

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