The author deals with the property of involute gears according to which the velocity ratio is constant for any distance between axes. It is known that the involute is the only shape which has this property, but it is not well known in a detailed way, and the only complete demonstration dates from Bricard. For this reason the present paper has an historical interest and, on the other hand, it proposes a new proof better understandable nowadays for it is based on Euler-Savary properties only.
Issue Section:
Technical Papers
Bricard, R., 1926, Lec¸ons de Cine´matique, 2, pp. 337–343, 2 pp. 253–257, Gauthier-Villars, Paris.
, J.
, 1999
, Some Geometrical Aspects of Skew Polyangular Involute Gearing, Mech. Mach. Theory
, 34
, No. 5
, pp. 781
Garnier, R., 1956, Cours de Cine´matique, Gauthier Villars, Paris.
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