Mechanical Design of Machine Elements and Machines: A Failure Prevention Perspective by Jack A. Collins, John Wiley & Sons, 2003
This new textbook targets the Junior-Senior level sequence in machine design challenging classical machine design texts associated with authors such as Joseph E. Shigley, Robert C. Juvinall, and Merhyle F. Spotts. The author’s emphasis on failure prevention includes the selection of a factor of safety as part of the design process. The book is divided into two parts. The first part addresses engineering principles whereas the second part considers design applications.
The first part diverges from similar machine design texts by targeting failure prevention as the underlying theme for machine component selection. The many components of failure are introduced early in Chapter 2. These concepts include the classical failure modes; yielding, ductile and brittle failure, fatigue failure, wear, impact, and buckling along with less traditional failure modes such as fretting, creep, and corrosion are presented. Specifically, the fracture mechanics approach to predict fatigue failure is introduced and expanded from classical texts on machine elements to provide a more modern assessment of fatigue life.
The second part provides a classical treatment on the design of machine elements such as bearings, springs, fasteners and power screws, gear pairs, brakes and clutches by presenting established design methodologies as set by the appropriate organizations. For example, the AGMA (American Gear Manufacturers Association) method of gear rating is demonstrated for both spur and helical gear pairs. Also presented is an introduction to bevel gear design and worm and worm wheel gear rating without complicating the idiosyncrasies of spatial gear kinematics. Included are the less common elements: pressure vessels, flywheels, as well as non-direct contact mechanisms consisting of belts, chains, ropes, and flexible connectors. A concluding chapter gives insight on machine design versus machine component selection.
The author carefully balances the depth of presentation versus concept and coverage providing an excellent introduction to the design of machine elements. Practical example problems are provided in each chapter to guide the student through the design process by illustrating the analysis steps. These problems will be especially attractive in US based schools as the primary units system is the inch-pound-second. Sufficient analysis problems are provided at the end of each chapter for students to master the material. In Part II, mini open-ended design scenarios are presented to showcase the non-uniqueness of machine component specification. Included are problems with illustrative figures as well as problems without figures such that students can practice envisioning descriptive scenarios. Further, the concepts are clearly presented making this book a suitable reference for graduate students and engineers interested in a specific topic. It is refreshing to find failure prevention interwoven into the design of machine elements and I highly recommend this text to colleagues seeking such perspective.
University of Puerto Rico.