To minimize the potential risk of design extension conditions (DEC) with core meltdown, some advanced reactors employ ex-vessel core catchers which stabilize and cool the corium for prolonged period by strategically flooding it. This paper describes the coolability of the melt pool and ablation process in a scaled down ex-vessel core catcher employing sacrificial material which reduces the specific volumetric heat, temperature, and density of the melt pool. To understand these phenomena, a simulated experiment was carried out. The experiment was performed by melting about 500 kg of corium simulant using thermite reaction at about 2500 °C. The bricks of oxidic sacrificial material were arranged in the core catcher vessel which was surrounded by a tank filled with water up to a certain level. After the time required for melt inversion, water was introduced to flood the test section from the top. The melt pool temperatures were monitored at various locations using “K” and “C” type thermocouples to obtain ablation depth at different elevations with time. The results show that the coolability of the molten pool in the presence of water for the present geometry is achievable with outside vessel temperatures not exceeding 100 °C. A ceramic stable crust was observed at the top surface of the melt pool, which prevented water ingression into the molten corium. The ablation rate was found to be maximum at the lower corners of the brick arrangement with the maximum value being 0.75 mm/s. An average rate of about 0.18 mm/s was obtained in the brick matrix.
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October 2019
Experimental Investigation of Melt Coolability and Ablation Behavior of Oxidic Sacrificial Material at Prototypic Conditions in Scaled Down Core Catcher
Samyak S. Munot,
Samyak S. Munot
Engineering Sciences,
Homi Bhabha National Institute,
Anushakti Nagar,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400094, India
Homi Bhabha National Institute,
Anushakti Nagar,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400094, India
Search for other works by this author on:
Ganesh V,
Ganesh V
Reactor Engineering Division,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India
Search for other works by this author on:
Parimal P. Kulkarni,
Parimal P. Kulkarni
Reactor Engineering Division,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India
Search for other works by this author on:
Arun K. Nayak
Arun K. Nayak
Reactor Engineering Division,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India;
Engineering Sciences,
Homi Bhabha National Institute,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400094, India
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India;
Engineering Sciences,
Homi Bhabha National Institute,
Anushakti Nagar
,Mumbai, Maharashtra 400094, India
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
Samyak S. Munot
Engineering Sciences,
Homi Bhabha National Institute,
Anushakti Nagar,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400094, India
Homi Bhabha National Institute,
Anushakti Nagar,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400094, India
Ganesh V
Reactor Engineering Division,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India
Parimal P. Kulkarni
Reactor Engineering Division,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India
Arun K. Nayak
Reactor Engineering Division,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India;
Engineering Sciences,
Homi Bhabha National Institute,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400094, India
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India;
Engineering Sciences,
Homi Bhabha National Institute,
Anushakti Nagar
,Mumbai, Maharashtra 400094, India
1Corresponding author.
Manuscript received November 14, 2018; final manuscript received February 26, 2019; published online July 19, 2019. Assoc. Editor: Tomio Okawa. This work was prepared while under employment by the Government of India as part of the official duties of the author(s) indicated above, as such copyright is owned by that Government, which reserves its own copyright under national law.
ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci. Oct 2019, 5(4): 041206 (7 pages)
Published Online: July 19, 2019
Article history
November 14, 2018
February 26, 2019
Munot, S. S., V, G., Kulkarni, P. P., and Nayak, A. K. (July 19, 2019). "Experimental Investigation of Melt Coolability and Ablation Behavior of Oxidic Sacrificial Material at Prototypic Conditions in Scaled Down Core Catcher." ASME. ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci. October 2019; 5(4): 041206.
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