Instead of a Volterra-series based method, a method based on Price’s theorem and Fourier Transforms is proposed for evaluating the nonlinear response power spectra of fixed offshore structures modeled as finite-memory systems. The numerical computation effort required for spectral estimations using the proposed method is significantly less than that of the Volterra-series method that requires multi-dimensional integrations. Nonlinear frequency-domain analyses of two jack-up platform structures are carried out to study the effects of inundation, cubic and quartic drag terms and polynomialization methods.
Issue Section:
Technical Papers
offshore installations,
structural engineering computing,
ocean waves,
spectral analysis,
frequency response,
nonlinear estimation,
correlation methods,
Fourier transforms,
Nonlinear Drag,
Polynomial Approximation,
Power Spectrum,
Price’s Theorem,
Correlation Function,
Fourier Transform
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