The dynamic collapse of submerged cylindrical shells subjected to lateral impulsive pressure loads caused by underwater explosions is studied via coupled experimental and numerical work. Two sets of experiments were performed. Initially, 50.8 mm outside diameter aluminum tubes with diameter-to-thickness ratio of 32.3 were tested inside a pressure vessel. Hydrostatic pressure was applied quasi-statically up to the onset of collapse in order to obtain the collapse pressure of the tubes tested. Subsequently, similar tubes were tested in a 5 m × 5 m × 1.6 m deep water tank under various explosive charges placed at different distances. Explosive charges and standoff distances were combined so as to eventually cause collapse of the specimens. Dynamic pressures were recorded using a fit-for-purpose data acquisition system with sampling rates of up to 1 mega samples/s/channel. In parallel, finite element models were developed using commercially available software to simulate underwater explosion, pressure wave propagation, its interaction with a cylindrical shell, and the subsequent onset of dynamic collapse. The surrounding fluid was modeled as an acoustic medium, the shells as J2 flow theory based materials with isotropic hardening, and proper fluid–structure interaction elements accounting for relatively small displacements of the boundary between fluid and structure were used. Subsequently, the physical explosion experiments were numerically reproduced with good correlation between results. Finally, a parametric study was carried out to examine the effect on the pipe under different impulsive pressure loads.
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August 2016
On the Dynamic Collapse of Cylindrical Shells Under Impulsive Pressure Loadings
Luciana Loureiro da Silva Monteiro,
Luciana Loureiro da Silva Monteiro
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Rio de Janeiro 20271.110, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro 20271.110, Brazil
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Theodoro Antoun Netto,
Theodoro Antoun Netto
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
COPPE—Ocean Engineering Program,
P.O. Box 68.508,
Rio de Janeiro, 21.945.970, Brazil
COPPE—Ocean Engineering Program,
P.O. Box 68.508,
Rio de Janeiro, 21.945.970, Brazil
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Paulo Cesar da Camara Monteiro, Jr.
Paulo Cesar da Camara Monteiro, Jr.
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
COPPE—Ocean Engineering Program,
P.O. Box 68.508,
Rio de Janeiro 21.945.970, Brazil
COPPE—Ocean Engineering Program,
P.O. Box 68.508,
Rio de Janeiro 21.945.970, Brazil
Search for other works by this author on:
Luciana Loureiro da Silva Monteiro
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Rio de Janeiro 20271.110, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro 20271.110, Brazil
Theodoro Antoun Netto
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
COPPE—Ocean Engineering Program,
P.O. Box 68.508,
Rio de Janeiro, 21.945.970, Brazil
COPPE—Ocean Engineering Program,
P.O. Box 68.508,
Rio de Janeiro, 21.945.970, Brazil
Paulo Cesar da Camara Monteiro, Jr.
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
COPPE—Ocean Engineering Program,
P.O. Box 68.508,
Rio de Janeiro 21.945.970, Brazil
COPPE—Ocean Engineering Program,
P.O. Box 68.508,
Rio de Janeiro 21.945.970, Brazil
Contributed by the Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE MECHANICS AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING. Manuscript received June 12, 2015; final manuscript received March 1, 2016; published online April 8, 2016. Editor: Solomon Yim.
J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. Aug 2016, 138(4): 041101 (11 pages)
Published Online: April 8, 2016
Article history
June 12, 2015
March 1, 2016
da Silva Monteiro, L. L., Netto, T. A., and da Camara Monteiro, P. C., , Jr. (April 8, 2016). "On the Dynamic Collapse of Cylindrical Shells Under Impulsive Pressure Loadings." ASME. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. August 2016; 138(4): 041101.
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