This paper presents an object-oriented modeling (OOM) approach to model development of marine operation systems, specifically the hydraulic systems of marine cranes. Benefited from the rapid development of computation technology, many modeling and simulation techniques and software tools have proved to be very useful during the product and system development process. However, due to the increasing complexity of the physical systems, many challenges still exist regarding model flexibility, model integration, simulation accuracy, stability, and efficiency. The goal of introducing OOM to complex dynamic systems is to provide flexible, effective, and efficient models for different simulation applications. Previous work presented a virtual prototyping (VP) framework based on the functional mock-up interface (FMI) standard. The advantage of using FMI co-simulation is that modeling and simulation of stiff and strongly coupled systems can be distributed. As a result, the modeling tradeoffs between simulation accuracy and efficiency can be evaluated. The essential features of OOM and its application within dynamic operation system domain are highlighted through a case study. These features include model causality, model encapsulation, and inheritance that facilitate the decomposition and coupling of complex system models for co-simulation. The simulation results based on the proposed VP framework showed speedups in the computation efficiency at the cost of moderate accuracy loss.
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April 2018
An Object-Oriented Modeling Approach to Virtual Prototyping of Marine Operation Systems Based on Functional Mock-Up Interface Co-Simulation
Yingguang Chu,
Yingguang Chu
Department of Ocean Operations and
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Search for other works by this author on:
Lars Ivar Hatledal,
Lars Ivar Hatledal
Department of Ocean Operations and
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Search for other works by this author on:
Vilmar Æsøy,
Vilmar Æsøy
Department of Ocean Operations and
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Search for other works by this author on:
Sören Ehlers,
Sören Ehlers
Institute for Ship Structural Design and Analysis,
Technical University of Hamburg,
Room 4.008 Schwarzenbergstraße 95 (C),
Hamburg D-21073, Germany
Technical University of Hamburg,
Room 4.008 Schwarzenbergstraße 95 (C),
Hamburg D-21073, Germany
Search for other works by this author on:
Houxiang Zhang
Houxiang Zhang
Department of Ocean Operations and
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Search for other works by this author on:
Yingguang Chu
Department of Ocean Operations and
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Lars Ivar Hatledal
Department of Ocean Operations and
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Vilmar Æsøy
Department of Ocean Operations and
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Sören Ehlers
Institute for Ship Structural Design and Analysis,
Technical University of Hamburg,
Room 4.008 Schwarzenbergstraße 95 (C),
Hamburg D-21073, Germany
Technical University of Hamburg,
Room 4.008 Schwarzenbergstraße 95 (C),
Hamburg D-21073, Germany
Houxiang Zhang
Department of Ocean Operations and
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
Civil Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science
and Technology,
Postboks 1517,
Aalesund 6025, Norway
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE MECHANICS AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING. Manuscript received November 29, 2016; final manuscript received October 3, 2017; published online November 16, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Marcelo R. Martins.
J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. Apr 2018, 140(2): 021601 (9 pages)
Published Online: November 16, 2017
Article history
November 29, 2016
October 3, 2017
Chu, Y., Hatledal, L. I., Æsøy, V., Ehlers, S., and Zhang, H. (November 16, 2017). "An Object-Oriented Modeling Approach to Virtual Prototyping of Marine Operation Systems Based on Functional Mock-Up Interface Co-Simulation." ASME. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. April 2018; 140(2): 021601.
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