This paper presents a detailed description of an analysis technique and an application of this technique to obtain time-resolved heat flux for the blade of a Garrett TFE 731-2 hp full-stage rotating turbine. A shock tube is used as a short-duration source of heated air and platinum thin-film gages are used to obtain the heat-flux measurements. To obtain the heat-flux values from the thin-film gage temperature histories, a finite-difference procedure has been used to solve the heat equation, with variable thermal properties. The data acquisition and the data analysis procedures are described in detail and then their application is illustrated for three midspan locations on the blade. The selected locations are the geometric stagnation point, 32.7 percent wetted distance on the suction surface, and 85.5 percent wetted distance on the suction surface. For these measurements, the turbine was operating at the design flow function and very near 100 percent corrected speed. The vane–blade axial spacing was consistent with the engine operating configuration. The results demonstrate that the magnitude of the heat-flux fluctuation resulting from the vane–blade interaction is large by comparison with the time-averaged heat flux at all locations investigated. The magnitude of the fluctuation is greatest in the stagnation region and decreases with increasing wetted distance along the surface. A Fourier analysis by FFT of a portion of the heat-flux record illustrates that the dominant frequencies occur at the wake-cutting frequency and its harmonics.

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