Time-averaged heat-flux distributions are reported for the vane and blade of the Teledyne CAE 702 HP full-stage rotating turbine. A shock tube is used as a short-duration source of heated air to which the turbine is subjected and thin-film gages are used to obtain the heat-flux measurements. The thin-film gages were concentrated on the midspan region from the leading edge to near the trailing edge. The blade contained two contoured inserts wtih gages spaced very close together so that the leading edge distribution could be resolved. The NGV and blade results are compared with predictions obtained using a flat-plate technique, an eddy-diffusing model (STAN 5), and a k–ε model. The results of the comparison between data and prediction suggest that: (a) first, the vane data are bounded by the turbulent flat plate and the fully turbulent STAN 5 prediction. For the vane, the k–ε prediction is in relatively good agreement with the STAN 5 prediction and (b) secondly, the blade data are acceptably predicted by the k–ε prediction on both the pressure and the suction surfaces. The STAN 5 fully turbulent calculation for the blade falls above the data (essentially in agreement with the turbulent flat-plate calculation) and the STAN 5 fully laminar falls substantially below the data. With the exception of the pressure loadings and the geometry, the code inputs used for these predictions were identical to those previously used to predict the Garrett TFE 731-2 HP turbine and the Garrett LART HP turbine.
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January 1988
Research Papers
Time-Averaged Heat-Flux Distributions and Comparison With Prediction for the Teledyne 702 HP Turbine Stage
M. G. Dunn,
M. G. Dunn
Calspan Corporation, Buffalo, NY 14225
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R. E. Chupp
R. E. Chupp
Teledyne CAE, Toledo, OH 43612
Search for other works by this author on:
M. G. Dunn
Calspan Corporation, Buffalo, NY 14225
R. E. Chupp
Teledyne CAE, Toledo, OH 43612
J. Turbomach. Jan 1988, 110(1): 51-56 (6 pages)
Published Online: January 1, 1988
Article history
February 10, 1987
November 9, 2009
Dunn, M. G., and Chupp, R. E. (January 1, 1988). "Time-Averaged Heat-Flux Distributions and Comparison With Prediction for the Teledyne 702 HP Turbine Stage." ASME. J. Turbomach. January 1988; 110(1): 51–56. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.3262167
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