The aerodynamic performance of a cavity-winglet tip is investigated in a high-pressure turbine cascade by experimental and numerical methods. The winglet tip has geometric features of a cavity and a suction side fore-part winglet. A cavity tip is studied as the baseline case. The aerodynamic performances of the two tips are investigated at three tip gaps of 0.8%, 1.7%, and 2.7% chord. At tip gaps of 1.7% and 2.7% chord, the loss near the blade tip is dominated by the tip leakage vortex (TLV) for both tips, and the winglet tip mainly reduces the loss generated by the tip leakage vortex. In the past, it was concerned that at a small tip gap, the winglet tip could introduce extra secondary loss and show little aerodynamic benefits. The winglet tip used in the current study is also found to be able to effectively reduce the loss at the smallest tip gap size of 0.8% chord. This is because at this small tip gap, the tip leakage vortex and the passage vortex (PV) appear simultaneously for the cavity tip. The winglet tip is able to reduce the pitchwise pressure gradient in the blade passage, which tends to suppress the formation of the passage vortex. The effects of the winglet tip on the flow physics and the loss mechanisms are explained in detail.
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October 2017
Effects of Tip Gap Size on the Aerodynamic Performance of a Cavity-Winglet Tip in a Turbine Cascade
Chao Zhou
Chao Zhou
State Key Laboratory for Turbulence and Complex Systems,
Collaborative Innovation Center of
Advanced Aero-Engine,
Peking University,
Beijing 100191, China
Collaborative Innovation Center of
Advanced Aero-Engine,
Peking University,
Beijing 100191, China
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Fangpan Zhong
Chao Zhou
State Key Laboratory for Turbulence and Complex Systems,
Collaborative Innovation Center of
Advanced Aero-Engine,
Peking University,
Beijing 100191, China
Collaborative Innovation Center of
Advanced Aero-Engine,
Peking University,
Beijing 100191, China
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY. Manuscript received May 22, 2016; final manuscript received May 2, 2017; published online May 23, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Rolf Sondergaard.
J. Turbomach. Oct 2017, 139(10): 101009 (9 pages)
Published Online: May 23, 2017
Article history
May 22, 2016
May 2, 2017
Zhong, F., and Zhou, C. (May 23, 2017). "Effects of Tip Gap Size on the Aerodynamic Performance of a Cavity-Winglet Tip in a Turbine Cascade." ASME. J. Turbomach. October 2017; 139(10): 101009.
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